City of San Marcos - Gafcon
DBE and Labor Compliance Consulting Services
Project Name
City of San Marcos - Gafcon - Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Labor Compliance Consulting Services (Citywide, As-Needed)
Project Description
The City of San Marcos, CA selected Gafcon as the prime contractor for their DBE and Labor Compliance Consulting Services engagement.
Project Role
GCAP was selected as a subcontractor by Gafcon to provide all of the DBE compliance consulting related tasks for this project including the following:
- Developing contract specific DBE goals
- Conducting Good Faith Efforts (GFE) reviews
- Performing Commercially Useful Function (CUF) site interviews
- Monitoring monthly DBE participation
- Outreaching to the DBE community
- Providing training workshops for the DBE community
- Reviewing DBE subcontracting plans
- Participating in and preparing DBE materials for pre-bid and pre-proposal meetings
- Preparing monthly DBE reports