GCAP Services, Inc. is proud to have provided tremendous support to SANDAG in creating and developing their first-ever magazine publication featuring the success of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Small Business (SB) Program on the Mid-Coast Trolley mega-project. SANDAG highlighted DBE firms that performed work on the project, which had a significant impact on the growth of their emerging businesses. Of the $1.1 billion construction scope, SANDAG set a 11.3% DBE goal and as of March 2022, 112 unique DBE firms were paid $197 million with an actual DBE participation of 17.2% exceeding the goal tremendously. In addition, SANDAG set a SB objective of 15-20% and 168 unique SB firms were paid $244 million, reaching 19% SB participation.
Click here to read the full magazine.
GCAP assisted with the development of the magazine by interviewing firms, collecting information, data, and graphics, and recounting the success stories of small and diverse firms. When the Mid-Coast project began, GCAP provided support in drafting the DBE & SB Subcontracting Plan which would help guide SANDAG and the Prime Contractor, Mid-Coast Transit Constructors (MCTC), in ensuring that opportunities were available for DBE and SB firms.
The GCAP team provided the following technical compliance services to ensure that Mid-Coast performed consistent with the DBE requirements of 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 26:
The success of the Mid-Coast Project’s DBE and SB Program could not have been done without the outstanding collaboration between SANDAG, MCTC, and GCAP Services, Inc. For more information regarding each organization, please visit their websites below: