From June 30, 2017 to June 29, 2018, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) suspended Velda Berryman on allegations of fraud. Allegations were referred to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General (DOT-OIG) for investigation.
The DOT-OIG confirmed that Berryman fabricated correspondences to appear as though an FTA equal opportunity specialist had certified Progress Rail Locomotive, Inc. as a Transit Vehicle Manufacturer (TVM) in order to gain eligibility to bid on FTA-assisted contracts.
As of June 18, 2019, the FTA has decided to debar Berryman for 5 years from participation in Federal procurement and nonprocurement programs. The debarment will retroactively include the June 30, 2017 suspension, and will be in effect until June 29, 2022.
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