This is a friendly reminder that on Friday, April 1 TrAMS will launch tasks that allows users to complete their monthly or quarterly Federal Financial Reports (FFR), monthly or quarterly Milestone Progress Reports (MPR) and semi-annual Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) reports. Each task has an associated email that will go to FFR Reporter, MPR Reporting, and Civil Rights user roles. You may receive a large number of emails if you have a number of awards and/or multiple user roles.
If you receive this task but do not have the applicable responsibility, please contact your agency’s User Manager to adjust your role. Similarly, contact your User Manager if you expected to receive the task, but did not. If your agency lacks a User Manager, please coordinate with your FTA Local Security Manager to establish one.
User Resources:
Preparing your report:
The TrAMS help desk has received a number of requests from recipients or your regional point of contact to modify the reporting cycle (e.g. from annual to quarterly or vice versa); please be aware that the requested changes will be reflected in the next quarterly reporting cycle.