As many of you are aware, Office Bulletin 14-06: Review of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Contract Goals and Good Faith Efforts Pilot Study was originally issued September 24, 2014. As a Pilot Study, the bulletin established a policy for HQ review of the DBE goal setting process and Good Faith Effort review for local agency construction contracts greater than $2 million and consultant contracts greater than $500,000. The bulletin further required that local agencies provide anticipated award dates along with its “Request for Authorization to Proceed” for all contracts. And finally, the bulletin stated that the policy would be analyzed for effectiveness 12 months from its issuance and the results of the pilot study would assist in determining whether any changes were warranted.
One year later, we have analyzed the implementation results of OB 14-06 and determined that it has, in fact, been effective. As such, OB 14-06 is hereby extended and will remain in effect for another year.