In order to qualify to receive federal funds for their transportation projects, each local agency must provide to the Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE) a completed “LOCAL AGENCY DBE ANNUAL SUBMITTAL FORM (Exhibit 9-B)” by June 1 of each year for the following 2016 Federal Fiscal Year (FFY), which covers October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. This form includes the name, phone number, and electronic mailing address of the designated DBELO, Planned Race Neutral Measures, and the choice of Prompt Pay Provision to be used by the Local Agency for the following FFY. Below is a link to the current Exhibit 9-B:
In addition to the Exhibit 9-B, Local Agencies receiving federal funds must also provide to the Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE) a completed “LOCAL AGENCY ADA ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM (Exhibit 9-C) by June 1 of each year, for the following Federal Fiscal Year (FFY 2016). Please keep in mind, as the DLAE does not review or approve your Agency’s certification, compliant, or self-evaluation procedures, we ask you please not send them with your Exhibit 9-C. Below is a link to the current Exhibit 9-C: