FTA will host a listening session at 2 p.m. ET Thursday, October 14 to gather information from Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) stakeholders about how to improve the program. The session is part of an FTA initiative aimed at improving the DBE program to reduce barriers faced by women- and minority-owned small businesses in competing for FTA-funded contracts.
Following an introduction by FTA Administrator Nuria Fernandez, staff from FTA’s Office of Civil Rights will give a brief presentation on the DBE program. FTA will then solicit feedback about the DBE program and processes from stakeholders.
Register to participate in the session. Submit questions or comments about the DBE Program before the session to FTADBEListeningSession@dot.gov. Please include your contact information and affiliation.
FTA will continue the discussion after the listening
session through an online dialogue. More information will be provided at the
session. Links:
Register for the DBE listening session
DBE Initiative
FTA Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program