FTA issued guidance to help transit agencies and transit vehicle manufacturers understand and comply with the prohibitions on FTA-funded rolling stock procurements contained in the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA frequently asked questions are based on inquiries from grantees and transit vehicle manufacturers.
Questions include:
Q1: Which manufacturers are affected by the restriction?
Q2: When does the two-year phase-in of the federal funding prohibition end?
Q3: Will options exercised after December 20, 2021, be eligible for FTA funding?
Q4: Can a recipient assign options to another recipient (i.e., “piggybacking”)?
Q5: How are state schedules treated?
Q6: Which entities have a “lifetime” exception from the rail rolling stock restriction?
Q7: How does FTA interpret the certification requirement relating to rail rolling stock procurements?
Q8: Does 49 U.S.C. § 5323(u) apply to leases of rolling stock?
Q9: Can a recipient use local funds to acquire buses from restricted manufacturers?
Q10: Does 49 U.S.C. § 5323(u) apply to replacement parts and maintenance?
Q11: Does 49 USC § 5323(u) apply to monorails?
Please see the full Q&A at: https://www.transit.dot.gov/funding/procurement/frequently-asked-questions-regarding-section-7613-national-defense